Tuesday, January 29, 2008

i'm on a roll!

1. today, i filed my tax returns. Early, i know, but for financial aid purposes, I had to file them. i sat down and started them, anticipating a nice return, just like last year. my flat screen TV was the result of that return last year. THIS year, i planned on buying a nice new flash for my camera. i happily filed my taxes, only to find that i OWE $600+ dollars to the stupid IRS. I then filed my state taxes, and was appalled to see a return of only $6. blast!!

2. recently, i was asked to do a freelance photography project for the Philadelphia Chinatown Development Corporation. Although I have a suspicion that they won't pay me... it works out because i like going on photo outings anyway. Today, on a gloomy, rainy day, i went out with my crutches on a .... slow photo shoot.

i ended the photoshoot sitting in a bakery, with a hot strawberry pastry and a cup of steaming hot Horlicks. i love living in chinatown.


ha256 said...


randomly reading your blog as a result of gchat stalking.

I like the sewing projects... but why do you always want to eat them?

Tiffany said...

hi be! the title of your post makes me wanna get some rolls at sake bomber! mmm wasabi :)

Christina Meyer said...

strawberry pastry and hot horlicks?! oooo me wants! :D

Man, that really stinks you owe. I really hope I don't owe this year. =(

You could always try to do some deductions like charity and donations you may have done this year or stuff maybe you had to buy for work maybe? If you had two jobs and traveled by septa you could get reimbursed for your transpasses.